The highly concentrated formulation makes it easy to pour, measure and mix YaraVita Zintrac into the spray tank, while reducing the number of drums to be handled.
The purity of raw materials used in production ensures YaraVita Zintrac is safe for application to any crop and helps ensure that the harvested produce will not be rejected for heavy metal contamination.
The product is specifically formulated to provide maximum crop safety. This helps to ensure that application will not cause damage to the crop.
A controlled particle size gives quick uptake and long lasting effect. This reduces the need for repeat applications saving both time and money.
YaraVita Zintrac has a wide range of tankmixability which allows co-application with most agrochemicals, saving both time and money. For more information on tankmixability, talk to your local Yara Sales Manager or visit www.tankmix.com or the app store and search “Yara TankmixIT”.
Soil Application (All Crops): Apply up to 4 l/ha. Water Rate: 50 l/ha minimum.
Lychee: 0.5 l/ha applied to new leaf flush, repeat 10-14 days later. Additional applications may be applied during bud development, and during fruit development, repeat at 10-14 day intervals as necessary. DO NOT apply during flowering. NB: Late applications may leave a deposit on the fruit. Water Rate: 500 l/ha.
Eucalyptus: 1-2 l/ha applied during spring or autumn flush. Water Rate: 20 l/ha minimum.
Celery: 1 l/ha applied at the 4-6 leaf stage, repeat 10-14 days later. Water Rate: 200 l/ha.
Zucchini (Field Grown): 0.3-1 l/ha applied at the 2-4 leaf stage. repeat at 10-14 day intervals if necessary. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Cucumber (Field Grown): 0.3-1 l/ha applied at the 2-4 leaf stage, repeat at 10-14 days intervals if necessary. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Leek: 1-2 l/ha applied two weeks after transplanting, or in the case of direct sown crops, when the crop is 15cm tall, one or two repeat applications may applied at 10-14 day intervals. Water Rate: 200 l/ha minimum. Seed Dressing: 10-15 l/tonne.
Lettuce (Field Grown): 1 l/ha applied at the 4-6 leaf stage, repeat at 10-14 day intervals if necessary. NB: Final application to be made at least one month before harvest. Water Rate: 200 l/ha.
Persimmon: 1-1.5 l/ha applied during dormancy and after flowering. Water Rate: 500-1000 l/ha.
Safflower: 0.3 l/ha applied when there is sufficient leaf cover to intercept spray. DO NOT apply during flowering. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Groundnuts/Peanuts: 0.5-1 l/ha applied at the 4-6 leaf stage. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha. Seed Dressing: 10 l/tonne.
Macadamia: 1-2 l/ha applied at spring flush and autumn flush. DO NOT apply during flowering. Water Rate: 500-1000 l/ha.
Mango: 1-1.5 l/ha applied during dormancy and again at early flush. Water Rate: 500-1000 l/ha.
Hops: 1.5 l/ha applied when the crop is 2.5m tall. Water Rate: 500 l/ha.
Garlic: 0.25-1 l/ha applied when there is sufficient leaf area to intercept spray. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha. Seed Dressing: 10-15 l/tonne.
Conifers: Two applications of 1 l/ha when there is new season leaf production and again in early autumn. Water Rate: 500-1000 l/ha.
Coffee: 1 l/ha applied prior to flushes of growth. Water Rate: 200-500 l/ha.
Papaya/Pawpaw: 1 l/ha applied at each early flush of growth. Water Rate: 500-1000 l/ha.
Olive: 1 l/ha applied at bud break and at the opening of the calyx. Water Rate: 500 l/ha.
Cucurbits (Field Grown): 0.3-1 l/ha applied at the 2-4 leaf stage, repeat at 10-14 day intervals if necessary. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Ginger: 0.5 l/ha applied at the 4 leaf stage, repeat at 10-14 day intervals. Water Rate: 200 l/ha.
Nursery Stock/Ornamentals (outdoor): 0.5 l/ha applied when there is sufficient leaf area to intercept a spray, repeat at 10-14 day intervals as necessary. Spray a maximum of three applications per crop per annum. DO NOT apply during flowering. NB: DO NOT apply within one month of picking/marketing. Water Rate: 100-200 l/ha.
Custard Apples: 1-2 l/ha applied to mature spring growth and again to mature summer growth. Water Rate: 500-1000 l/ha.
Nectarine: 1- 2 l/ha applied at winter bud/pink bud and after harvest before leaf senescence. Water Rate: 500-1000 l/ha.
Plum: 1-2 l/ha applied at winter bud/pink bud and after harvest before leaf senescence. Water Rate: 500-1000 l/ha.
Pineapple: Three to four applications of 0.5 l/ha applied at 4-6 week intervals from the start of leaf growth in early spring. Water Rate: 200-500 l/ha.
Pears: 1-2 l/ha applied at bud burst and the end of flowering. 0.5 l/ha may be applied six weeks after fruit set, repeat at 2-3 week intervals up to one month before harvest as necessary. An additional 1-2 l/ha should be applied after harvest before leaf senescence. DO NOT apply during flowering. Water Rate: 200-1000 l/ha.
Peach: 1-2 l/ha applied at winter bud/pink bud and after harvest before leaf senescence. Water Rate: 500-1000 l/ha.
Passion Fruit: 1 l/ha applied at shoot extension pre-flowering. Water Rate: 400 l/ha.
Pumpkin (Field Grown): 0.3-1 l/ha applied at the 2-4 leaf stage, repeat at 10-14 days intervals. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Kiwi: 1 l/ha applied from bud burst to first leaves fully expanded. An additional application may be be applied after harvest before leaf senescence. Water Rate: 500-1000 l/ha.
Cherry: 1-2 l/ha applied at winter bud/pink bud and again after harvest before leaf senescence. Water Rate: 500-1000 l/ha.
Apricot: 1-2 l/ha applied at winter bud/pink bud and again after harvest before leaf senescence. Water Rate: 500-1000 l/ha.
Protected Crops: 0.05 l/100l water maximum concentration. Water Rate: 1000 l/ha maximum. Refer to equivalent field grown crop for application timing.
Squash: (Field Grown): 0.3-1 l/ha applied at the 2-4 leaf stage, repeat at 10-14 days intervals if necessary. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Sorghum: 0.3-1 l/ha applied from the 3-4 leaf stage. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha. Seed Dressing: 10-20 l/tonne.
Brassicas: 1-2 l/ha applied at the 4-9 leaf stage. Water Rate: 50-500 l/ha. Seed Dressing: 10-15 l/tonne.
Peas: 0.5-1 l/ha applied when the crop is 5-15cm tall. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Lupin: 0.5-1 l/ha applied when the plants are 5-15cm tall. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Lentil: 0.5-1 l/ha applied at the 4-6 leaf stage. For moderate to severe deficiency, repeat 10-14 days later. Water Rate: 30-200 l/ha. Seed Dressing: 4 l/tonne.
Chickpeas: 0.5-1 l/ha applied when the crop is 5 - 15cm tall. For severe deficiency, repeat applications at 10 - 14 day intervals. Water Rate: 50 - 200 l/ha.
Grass (Amenity): 1L/ha applied as soon as growth commences in spring and/or following identification of need by analysis, repeat at 10 - 14 day intervals. Water Rate: 200L/ha.
Clover: 1 l/ha applied just after every cut. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Acacia: 1-2 l/ha applied during spring or autumn flush. Water Rate: 20 l/ha minimum.
Poppy: One to three applications of 1 l/ha at 10-14 day intervals commencing when there is adequate leaf cover to intercept the spray, continuing up to the start of flowering. Water Rate: 20-200 l/ha.
Sugarcane: 1 l/ha applied when plants are 30-120cm tall, repeat at 10-14 day intervals if necessary. Water Rate: 30-200 l/ha.
Water Melon (Field Grown): 0.3-1 l/ha applied at the 2-4 leaf stage, repeat at 10-14 day intervals if necessary. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Rice: 0.5-1 l/ha applied at start of tillering and again at panicle initiation. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Maize/Sweetcorn: 0.3-1 l/ha applied from 3 - 8 leaf stage. For severe deficiency, repeat applications should be made at the above rate at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water Rate: 30-200 l/ha. Seed Dressing: 2-8 l/tonne.
Cereals: 0.3-1 l/ha applied from the two leaf stage to first node detectable (Growth Stage Z12 - Z31). Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha. Seed Dressing: 4-6 l/tonne.
Canola: 0.3-1 l/ha applied at the 4-9 true leaves. Water Rate: 50-500 l/ha. Seed Dressing: 10-60 l/tonne.
Cabbage: 1-2 l/ha applied at the 4-9 leaf stage. Water Rate: 50-500 l/ha. Seed Dressing: 10-15 l/tonne.
Brussels Sprouts: 1-2 l/ha applied at the 4-9 leaf stage. Water Rate: 50-500 l/ha. Seed Dressing: 10-15 l/tonne.
Broccoli: 1-2 l/ha applied at the 4-9 leaf stage. Water Rate: 50-500 l/ha. Seed Dressing: 10-15 l/tonne.
Blueberries: High Bush Blueberries Only: Apply 1 l/ha just before the onset of leaf drop, repeat at bud separation the following fruiting season. Water Rate: 200 l/ha.
Beans: 0.5-1 l/ha applied when the crop is 5-15cm tall. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Soybean: 0.5-1 l/ha applied when the crop is 5-15cm tall. Water Rate: 30-200 l/ha.
Strawberry (Field Grown): Two applications of 0.5 l/ha at green/white bud stage and at post-harvest re-growth. Water Rate: 30-500 l/ha.
Raspberry: 0.5-2 l/ha at green bud. Water Rate: 200-500 l/ha.
Capsicums (Field Grown): 1 l/ha applied from the 4-6 leaf stage onwards. NB: Final application to be made at least one month before harvest. Water Rate: 500 l/ha.
Figs: 1 l/ha applied to new season leaf production, when there is sufficient foliage to intercept the spray, repeat 10-14 days later. Additional applications may be applied to young fruit soon after fruit set and again after harvest before leaf senescence. Water Rate: 500 l/ha.
Aubergine (Field Grown): 1 l/ha applied from the 4 - 6 leaf stage onwards. Water Rate: 500 l/ha.
Beetroot: 1 l/ha applied at the 4-6 leaf stage. Water Rate: 200 l/ha.
Sweet Potato: 1 l/ha applied one week after 100% emergence or transplanting. For moderate to severe deficiencies, repeat the application at 10-14 day intervals as necessary. Water Rate: 30-200 l/ha.
Lucerne: 0.33-1 l/ha applied to early season re-growth, repeat 2 - 3 weeks later. Water Rate: 30-200 l/ha. Seed Dressing: 8-12 l/tonne.
Grass (Grazing): 0.5 - 1L/ha applied 10 - 14 days prior to turnout. Animals should be kept out of treated pastures for 10 days to allow nutrient uptake. Water Rate: 200L/ha.
Sunflower: 0.5-1 l/ha applied from the two pairs of leaves stage. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Chia: 0.5-1 l/ha applied at the 4-8 leaf stage. Water Rate: 30-200 l/ha.
Carrot: 1 l/ha applied at 4-6 leaf stage. For moderate to severe deficiency repeat applications at 10-14 day intervals. Water Rate: 200 l/ha.
Soil Application (All Crops): Apply up to 4 l/ha. Water Rate: 50 l/ha minimum.
Lychee: 0.5 l/ha applied to new leaf flush, repeat 10-14 days later. Additional applications may be applied during bud development, and during fruit development, repeat at 10-14 day intervals as necessary. DO NOT apply during flowering. NB: Late applications may leave a deposit on the fruit. Water Rate: 500 l/ha.
Eucalyptus: 1-2 l/ha applied during spring or autumn flush. Water Rate: 20 l/ha minimum.
Celery: 1 l/ha applied at the 4-6 leaf stage, repeat 10-14 days later. Water Rate: 200 l/ha.
Zucchini (Field Grown): 0.3-1 l/ha applied at the 2-4 leaf stage. repeat at 10-14 day intervals if necessary. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Cucumber (Field Grown): 0.3-1 l/ha applied at the 2-4 leaf stage, repeat at 10-14 days intervals if necessary. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Leek: 1-2 l/ha applied two weeks after transplanting, or in the case of direct sown crops, when the crop is 15cm tall, one or two repeat applications may applied at 10-14 day intervals. Water Rate: 200 l/ha minimum. Seed Dressing: 10-15 l/tonne.
Lettuce (Field Grown): 1 l/ha applied at the 4-6 leaf stage, repeat at 10-14 day intervals if necessary. NB: Final application to be made at least one month before harvest. Water Rate: 200 l/ha.
Persimmon: 1-1.5 l/ha applied during dormancy and after flowering. Water Rate: 500-1000 l/ha.
Safflower: 0.3 l/ha applied when there is sufficient leaf cover to intercept spray. DO NOT apply during flowering. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Groundnuts/Peanuts: 0.5-1 l/ha applied at the 4-6 leaf stage. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha. Seed Dressing: 10 l/tonne.
Macadamia: 1-2 l/ha applied at spring flush and autumn flush. DO NOT apply during flowering. Water Rate: 500-1000 l/ha.
Mango: 1-1.5 l/ha applied during dormancy and again at early flush. Water Rate: 500-1000 l/ha.
Hops: 1.5 l/ha applied when the crop is 2.5m tall. Water Rate: 500 l/ha.
Garlic: 0.25-1 l/ha applied when there is sufficient leaf area to intercept spray. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha. Seed Dressing: 10-15 l/tonne.
Conifers: Two applications of 1 l/ha when there is new season leaf production and again in early autumn. Water Rate: 500-1000 l/ha.
Coffee: 1 l/ha applied prior to flushes of growth. Water Rate: 200-500 l/ha.
Papaya/Pawpaw: 1 l/ha applied at each early flush of growth. Water Rate: 500-1000 l/ha.
Olive: 1 l/ha applied at bud break and at the opening of the calyx. Water Rate: 500 l/ha.
Cucurbits (Field Grown): 0.3-1 l/ha applied at the 2-4 leaf stage, repeat at 10-14 day intervals if necessary. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Ginger: 0.5 l/ha applied at the 4 leaf stage, repeat at 10-14 day intervals. Water Rate: 200 l/ha.
Nursery Stock/Ornamentals (outdoor): 0.5 l/ha applied when there is sufficient leaf area to intercept a spray, repeat at 10-14 day intervals as necessary. Spray a maximum of three applications per crop per annum. DO NOT apply during flowering. NB: DO NOT apply within one month of picking/marketing. Water Rate: 100-200 l/ha.
Custard Apples: 1-2 l/ha applied to mature spring growth and again to mature summer growth. Water Rate: 500-1000 l/ha.
Nectarine: 1- 2 l/ha applied at winter bud/pink bud and after harvest before leaf senescence. Water Rate: 500-1000 l/ha.
Plum: 1-2 l/ha applied at winter bud/pink bud and after harvest before leaf senescence. Water Rate: 500-1000 l/ha.
Pineapple: Three to four applications of 0.5 l/ha applied at 4-6 week intervals from the start of leaf growth in early spring. Water Rate: 200-500 l/ha.
Pears: 1-2 l/ha applied at bud burst and the end of flowering. 0.5 l/ha may be applied six weeks after fruit set, repeat at 2-3 week intervals up to one month before harvest as necessary. An additional 1-2 l/ha should be applied after harvest before leaf senescence. DO NOT apply during flowering. Water Rate: 200-1000 l/ha.
Peach: 1-2 l/ha applied at winter bud/pink bud and after harvest before leaf senescence. Water Rate: 500-1000 l/ha.
Passion Fruit: 1 l/ha applied at shoot extension pre-flowering. Water Rate: 400 l/ha.
Pumpkin (Field Grown): 0.3-1 l/ha applied at the 2-4 leaf stage, repeat at 10-14 days intervals. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Kiwi: 1 l/ha applied from bud burst to first leaves fully expanded. An additional application may be be applied after harvest before leaf senescence. Water Rate: 500-1000 l/ha.
Cherry: 1-2 l/ha applied at winter bud/pink bud and again after harvest before leaf senescence. Water Rate: 500-1000 l/ha.
Apricot: 1-2 l/ha applied at winter bud/pink bud and again after harvest before leaf senescence. Water Rate: 500-1000 l/ha.
Protected Crops: 0.05 l/100l water maximum concentration. Water Rate: 1000 l/ha maximum. Refer to equivalent field grown crop for application timing.
Squash: (Field Grown): 0.3-1 l/ha applied at the 2-4 leaf stage, repeat at 10-14 days intervals if necessary. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Sorghum: 0.3-1 l/ha applied from the 3-4 leaf stage. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha. Seed Dressing: 10-20 l/tonne.
Brassicas: 1-2 l/ha applied at the 4-9 leaf stage. Water Rate: 50-500 l/ha. Seed Dressing: 10-15 l/tonne.
Peas: 0.5-1 l/ha applied when the crop is 5-15cm tall. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Lupin: 0.5-1 l/ha applied when the plants are 5-15cm tall. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Lentil: 0.5-1 l/ha applied at the 4-6 leaf stage. For moderate to severe deficiency, repeat 10-14 days later. Water Rate: 30-200 l/ha. Seed Dressing: 4 l/tonne.
Chickpeas: 0.5-1 l/ha applied when the crop is 5 - 15cm tall. For severe deficiency, repeat applications at 10 - 14 day intervals. Water Rate: 50 - 200 l/ha.
Grass (Amenity): 1L/ha applied as soon as growth commences in spring and/or following identification of need by analysis, repeat at 10 - 14 day intervals. Water Rate: 200L/ha.
Clover: 1 l/ha applied just after every cut. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Acacia: 1-2 l/ha applied during spring or autumn flush. Water Rate: 20 l/ha minimum.
Poppy: One to three applications of 1 l/ha at 10-14 day intervals commencing when there is adequate leaf cover to intercept the spray, continuing up to the start of flowering. Water Rate: 20-200 l/ha.
Sugarcane: 1 l/ha applied when plants are 30-120cm tall, repeat at 10-14 day intervals if necessary. Water Rate: 30-200 l/ha.
Water Melon (Field Grown): 0.3-1 l/ha applied at the 2-4 leaf stage, repeat at 10-14 day intervals if necessary. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Rice: 0.5-1 l/ha applied at start of tillering and again at panicle initiation. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Maize/Sweetcorn: 0.3-1 l/ha applied from 3 - 8 leaf stage. For severe deficiency, repeat applications should be made at the above rate at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water Rate: 30-200 l/ha. Seed Dressing: 2-8 l/tonne.
Cereals: 0.3-1 l/ha applied from the two leaf stage to first node detectable (Growth Stage Z12 - Z31). Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha. Seed Dressing: 4-6 l/tonne.
Canola: 0.3-1 l/ha applied at the 4-9 true leaves. Water Rate: 50-500 l/ha. Seed Dressing: 10-60 l/tonne.
Cabbage: 1-2 l/ha applied at the 4-9 leaf stage. Water Rate: 50-500 l/ha. Seed Dressing: 10-15 l/tonne.
Brussels Sprouts: 1-2 l/ha applied at the 4-9 leaf stage. Water Rate: 50-500 l/ha. Seed Dressing: 10-15 l/tonne.
Broccoli: 1-2 l/ha applied at the 4-9 leaf stage. Water Rate: 50-500 l/ha. Seed Dressing: 10-15 l/tonne.
Blueberries: High Bush Blueberries Only: Apply 1 l/ha just before the onset of leaf drop, repeat at bud separation the following fruiting season. Water Rate: 200 l/ha.
Beans: 0.5-1 l/ha applied when the crop is 5-15cm tall. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Soybean: 0.5-1 l/ha applied when the crop is 5-15cm tall. Water Rate: 30-200 l/ha.
Strawberry (Field Grown): Two applications of 0.5 l/ha at green/white bud stage and at post-harvest re-growth. Water Rate: 30-500 l/ha.
Raspberry: 0.5-2 l/ha at green bud. Water Rate: 200-500 l/ha.
Capsicums (Field Grown): 1 l/ha applied from the 4-6 leaf stage onwards. NB: Final application to be made at least one month before harvest. Water Rate: 500 l/ha.
Figs: 1 l/ha applied to new season leaf production, when there is sufficient foliage to intercept the spray, repeat 10-14 days later. Additional applications may be applied to young fruit soon after fruit set and again after harvest before leaf senescence. Water Rate: 500 l/ha.
Aubergine (Field Grown): 1 l/ha applied from the 4 - 6 leaf stage onwards. Water Rate: 500 l/ha.
Beetroot: 1 l/ha applied at the 4-6 leaf stage. Water Rate: 200 l/ha.
Sweet Potato: 1 l/ha applied one week after 100% emergence or transplanting. For moderate to severe deficiencies, repeat the application at 10-14 day intervals as necessary. Water Rate: 30-200 l/ha.
Lucerne: 0.33-1 l/ha applied to early season re-growth, repeat 2 - 3 weeks later. Water Rate: 30-200 l/ha. Seed Dressing: 8-12 l/tonne.
Grass (Grazing): 0.5 - 1L/ha applied 10 - 14 days prior to turnout. Animals should be kept out of treated pastures for 10 days to allow nutrient uptake. Water Rate: 200L/ha.
Sunflower: 0.5-1 l/ha applied from the two pairs of leaves stage. Water Rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Chia: 0.5-1 l/ha applied at the 4-8 leaf stage. Water Rate: 30-200 l/ha.
Carrot: 1 l/ha applied at 4-6 leaf stage. For moderate to severe deficiency repeat applications at 10-14 day intervals. Water Rate: 200 l/ha.